Author: Lana Krilic
Owls Assembly- 23rd Nov
It was our pleasure to take a whistle-stop tour through the curriculum with children in Year 5 and 6. Parents and the school community were fascinated to learn about a range of animals and adaptation during their Amazon unit, as well as hear extracts from detailed written survival guides. We were proud to hear Spanish conversations, bringing in their language learning and also took part in a quiz about Mayan artefacts and history.
Children In Need- 18th Nov
With your support we have raised an incredible £116 for BBC Children In Need. The children were very excited being in school wearing their pyjamas! Robins were first into assembly on Friday and couldn’t hide their excitement and cosiness.
Kingfishers Assembly- 17th Nov
A big well done and thank you to Year 3 and 4 in Kingfisher class who shared their topic of the Romans during their class assembly. In front of the school and parents, the children spoke confidently about all they had learned including cross curricular links with DT, making mosaic tiles and their work on levers to build catapults. We were also treated to a Roman march practised in PE lessons, maths challenges using Roman numerals and diary entries about the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in Pompeii.
Road Safety Awareness Week- 14th Nov
Written by Harriet and Caroline in Robins
We were practising road safety with Wrens class. In road safety, we learnt that you should never wear black in the dark unless you’re wearing a high vis jacket. When we were all in groups, we were showing the Wrens and Year Ones how to cross the road.
PTFA Autumn Pumpkin Competition- 7th Nov
The PTFA Autumn pumpkin competition was a fantastic success with so many entries. Mrs Bunting, our very own pumpkin expert judged the along with Ms Gooday. Well done to all children on their efforts and extra special well done to:
Most Cute- Billy
Most Glittery- Sophia
Most Unusual- Olivia
Most Creepy- Thomas
Most Creative- Cody
Headteacher’s Favourite- Jamie
Fun Run- 4th Nov
Written by Charlie and Thomas in Kingfishers
On Friday 4th November 2022 some of the children in Kingfisher class went on a mini bus to the Northern Gateway sports Centre in Colchester to take part in the Fun Run. There were other schools too, for example Tiptree Heath. We set ourselves a target and used our growth mindset to beat it. We had a fun afternoon and everybody had a lovely time. It was an extremely big event.
Firework Safety- 20th Oct
On Thursday 20th October we welcomed Bryony, a member of staff from Essex Fire Service who delivered an assembly around keeping safe and being vigilant. Please ask your child about some things they learned during this as we are encouraging them to share advice with their family and friends.
Green Jumper Day- 14th Oct
Green Jumper’s sole aim is to help save our planet. On Friday 14th October 2022 (referred to as Green Jumper Day) schools, businesses, shops, and other organisations will turn down the heating, and keep warm by wearing an extra layer. If that layer is a Green Jumper – fantastic! The money saved (along with any donations) will be used to plant trees and educate the next generation about the importance of mitigating climate change. We ask that you make a small donation for this cause. No green jumper… No problem! Footwear, accessories, hats or any other green item can be worn. If you have nothing green, then a jumper of any kind is welcome.
Macmillan Money raised- 29th Sept
Thank you for all of your support for the coffee afternoon. Year 6 were very proud to host you and I’m sure you’ll agree, there were some budding sales people.
We are happy to share that we raised £190.53!
Harvest Festival
Another big thank you to all those who were able to join us on Thursday 13th October at All Saints Church in the village. It was fantastic to welcome so many of you and an amazing opportunity to gather and give thanks. We are very proud of the children’s singing which they have been working so hard on with Mrs Lewis during singing assembly.